Meet the SunBurnt team!
You didn’t come this far to stop
Yahir: super fun to skate with, not featured in the first full length skate video but will be in future videos
Nels: Just like Yahir super fun to skate with but will not be featured in the first full length but will be in future
Brandon: Fun to skate with but will be out for 12 weeks from a back injury.

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Jaeger: Easily one of the best if not the best on the team. Filming his part right now.
Reiley: First addition on the team and help start the whole thing his part is out now on the @SunBurntFilms YT.
Dylan: The one who's typing this right now, Camera man, editor, website maker, anything that's now skating for the team is what I do.

Lil Jit (Graeson): littlest kid on the team but somehow at the same time the funniest and still manages to be a solid skater.

Aidan: super fun to skate with but we rarely see him needs to pullup more often.

Cohen: Newest addition to the team and an absolutely crazy skater and a fun person to have around at the sesh's.